Monday, May 20, 2024Usage-based insurance (UBI) has become popular among various auto insurance companies over the past few years. An onboard device collects driving information and transmits it to the insurance carrier via cloud computing. Drivers also get access to the data, which can be used to improve their own driving habits. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 16, 2024Ergonomics is the science of optimizing an environment for maximum safety and efficiency. In the workplace, emphasizing ergonomics will not only improve your bottom line and boost employee satisfaction, but it will also reduce the number of workers’ compensation insurance claims made as a result of improving safety. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 8, 2024Apart from protecting your investment in crops, many farmers have also made a significant investment in livestock. Not only do these animals provide eggs, milk and meat, but they also haul equipment and help with other duties around the property. It’s easy to take pigs and chickens for granted when they are part of your daily life. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 28, 2024We all know that the weather is fickle and can ruin a picnic or a vacation. Having those events ruined is no fun, plus it's inconvenient. But for a farmer, the fickle weather can be much more than inconvenient; it can be devastating. Weather can ruin a crop or reduce the yield. So, what can a farmer do for protection? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 31, 2024Business owners face a lot of risks when it comes to launching a company and operating day to day. Accidents, natural disasters, storms and lawsuits can all cost companies thousands or even millions of dollars. This is why business owners invest in a business insurance policy. Not all policies are created equal, however. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 1, 2023General liability insurance is commonly used by businesses across sizes and industries. If you are looking to insure your business, you may be surprised to find that general liability isn’t required by state or federal laws for most businesses in the U.S. This doesn’t mean you won’t need it, however. READ MORE >>
Sunday, October 1, 2023Implementing and enforcing safety procedures at work is a great way to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Obviously, keeping employees safe should be of vital importance to you on a moral level, but safety also lends to good business practices. READ MORE >>
Friday, September 15, 2023Security guard companies are pivotal in maintaining safety and security across various sectors, from commercial spaces and residential complexes to events and construction sites. However, the nature of their work exposes them to unique risks and challenges. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 14, 2023Planning a big event takes a great deal of time and effort, along with a sizeable investment in many cases. And while you may have created contingency plans for various risks that could threaten the event as a whole, you can never completely eliminate risk. But what types of risks can impact your event? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 5, 2023Surety bonds are essentially a guarantee that the principal will perform their job as detailed in the contract. If a person or business hires a bonded contractor and the work does not get done as promised, the company that issued the bond is responsible for the resulting financial losses. READ MORE >>
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